Archived Letter – 471

Dogma suffocates enlightenment. Sadly the debate of global warming has become a polarizing issue…

Archived Letter – 472

I do not see the need for the proposed Fergus library expansion. I have been using the library two…

Archived Letter – 473

I wonder why a picture was even included in the article by Kris Svela – Triton unveils…

Archived Letter – 474

Can the city explain why the sidewalk cleaner went by houses that did not shovel the sidewalk…

Archived Letter – 475

February 11, 2013 Dear Sir: The article, “Tarnished Diamond” written by Chris Daponte…

Archived Letter – 476

Response to “Clouded Judgement?” I would like to respond to James Virgin’s letter suggesting…

Archived Letter – 477

I am very disappointed with our goverment services when it come to employement acts and how…

Archived Letter – 478

Queen’s Jubilee Medals Dear Editors; Well you guys sure got your family jewels kicked last…

Archived Letter – 479

Centre Wellington is the safest community in Canada. So I’m confused as to why all the media…

Archived Letter – 480

to Chris Daponte I am very dissappointed in the interview with Brent Pederson’s on his…

Archived Letter – 481

I’d like to inquire on a story written by Stephen Thorning, “1890 Marriage Breakup had…

Archived Letter – 482

I’m a big believer in the value of public libraries, but some of your readers have raised good…

Archived Letter – 483

Dear Editor, On February 8, a letter was published in The Wellington Advertiser from Robert Ward…

Archived Letter – 484

Dear Editor; On January 26 nearly 200 people partook in the annual Robbie Burns Night hosted by the…

Archived Letter – 485

Letter to the Editor OFA betrays Farm Communities One of the biggest violations against Ontario…