Archived Letter – 367

Dear Mr. Editor In your editorial Dispatching diplomacy of May 5 with its talk of war and the…

Archived Letter – 368

Dear Editor; Regarding David Meyer’s article,”White: War is brewing between cities and…

Archived Letter – 369

Dear Editor I read with interest the plight that Robert and Phylis Huntly have with the flooding…

Archived Letter – 370

I would like to thank Stephen Thorning for the article on Valuing our History. George Moon was my…

Archived Letter – 371

MCGUINTY TO BLAME Over the last two months Liberal loyalist Murray Gold has constantly tried to…

Archived Letter – 372

The disruptive kids attacked in your letter are Junior Kindergarten students. The fenced-in area…

Archived Letter – 373

As a teacher at St. Mary School and a parent of a Junior Kindergarten child here, I was saddened by…

Archived Letter – 374

Dear Editor: Recently i read a letter to the editor about noise in a school yard. Recess is a time…

Archived Letter – 375

Just read the two pages of ‘ENERGY CONSERVATION’in your May 25th edition. This diatribe…

Archived Letter – 376

Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Gary Schellenberger, M.P., Perth-Wellington The…

Archived Letter – 377

Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Gary Schellenberger, M.P., Perth-Wellington The…

Archived Letter – 378

Dear Editor, As a parent of children that attend St. Mary school in Elora I was appalled by the…

Archived Letter – 379

Not stopping can stop lives In the last few months I have witnessed several speed troughs at the…

Archived Letter – 380

About the changes to the EI benifits how are construction companies and other seasonal bussiness…

Archived Letter – 381

Look whats hiding in the Trojan Horse budget Never before have we seen such a reckless backdoor…