Archived Letter – 375

Just read the two pages of ‘ENERGY CONSERVATION’in your May 25th edition. This diatribe by Ontario Hydro is total hypocrisy. My April bill was $134.41 and the actual amount of electricity used cost $39.97. This amounts to about 29% of the total bill. If I were to spend all the time and effort saving electricity related to in the article, my savings might be abiut $5. This sham perpetrated on the public is ludicrous. Hydro must spend millions on these ads & flyers to persuade consumers to conserve energy. The costs and expense to run Ontario Hydro, Energy Board etc. is a colossal embarrassment to the Ontario Gov. This juggernaut is out of control and soars into the furure with the gullible consumer blindly following. Hydro refuses to buy cheaper electricity from Quebec whuich has at least 2 huge dams at James Bay sitting idle. The bills only get bigger. T. Mathews, Belwood

tom mathews