Everybody these days seems to have a day or week to toot their own horn.
It’s funny how a simple salutation like “hello” brightens people’s day.
Comfort in familiarity
The last time we heard a similar battle cry, Wellington North unveiled a new slogan at entrance ways into Mount Forest.
Debt mushrooms
For once in a very long time, a generation of young Canadians have had a taste of interest rates and how those costs impact life.
Back to class
As Tuesday drew to a close kids were ramping up for a Wednesday morning return to school.
How much, did you say?
It seems today, rules and ethical business practices are in short supply.
How sweet it is
Life is full of simple pleasures.
Dry summers likely to continue in Mount Forest at expense of children
This summer is the third in a row that Mount Forest residents have been without a public pool.
We all win
Canada just celebrated its largest medal haul at the Olympic Summer Games in Paris, France.
Stand with Evan
It’s funny the things people pick up along the way.
Prickly yet perfect
Before a warning could be issued, a hand reached out to touch the purple flower, resulting in a loud yelp. Oww, that hurt.
‘Banned’ is the correct term
As Centre Wellington council decides whether it will allow historic Elora Mohawks banners to be reinstalled at the Elora arena, it is hoped sensible conversations ensue.
How bad does it have to get?
For those of us who follow politics closely, the attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump seemed to be a matter of time. If not Trump, it would have been someone else.
A concept that needs to catch on
The Ford Conservatives announced last week that various ministries will be mandated to ensure 25% of provincial ad spending is directed towards local news outlets.
Oh Canada
Another Canada Day has passed and once this newspaper hits the street, Independence Day (July 4) will have kicked into full gear.