The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Freedom reigns in my world, just as it does in Heaven, for Christ is the Lord of both. As it is in Heaven, the manacles that once held me no longer hold me. I am most certain of this, for God’s Word says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be
OPINION: Election priority for farmers is protecting ability to grow food
ONTARIO – It’s election time in Ontario, and across the province, candidates have started meeting with voters and sharing their platforms.
No-show Joe
“I can’t vote Conservative this time” is a sentiment that is catching on – and for good reason.
This is an interesting long weekend. Valentine’s Day and Family Day. One thing leads to another, if you catch my drift. What? I’m just pointing out the obvious.
New health unit building in Fergus opened in 1960
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
I keep hearing the Steve Miller Band song, Fly Like An Eagle, in my head.
A trade war declared by presidential order on behalf of the United States of America against Canada, has now been put on pause.
Vain repetitions
Tired of being a chump?
This past Tuesday, the Premier of Ontario had an opinion column in the Toronto Sun as well as the National Post online versions. It was a pre-emptive strike for news expected the following day that Ontario would indeed be going to the polls.
OPINION: Ontario farmers meet with rural municipal leaders
ONTARIO – Strengthening ties between rural municipal leaders and the farm community was on the agenda last week as representatives from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture took part in the annual Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) conference.
This week I learned that it is impossible to make the universal angry hand gesture, the one-finger salute (you know the one), when you’re wearing mittens.