Dear Editor: RE: Preserve plaques, Keep plaques, and Men not evil, Jan. 31. The association with…
Groundhog hogwash
Dear Editor: RE: Carbon tax debate, Jan. 31. Is it only in Canada that we accept weather…
Poppy campaign
Dear Editor: Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275 would like to thank all the people of the Fergus…
Editorial off base
Dear Editor: It was interesting the comments that were made about decisions that municipalities…
Morally sound
Dear Editor: RE: Cannabis quandary, Jan. 31. In response to Chris Daponte’s editorial regarding…
Puppet people
Dear Editor: Puppets Elora has been wondering how to best invite families and puppeteers from the…
Carbon tax debate
Dear Editor: RE: Simple policy, Jan. 17. The letter from Peter van Vloten has quoted several…
Men not evil
Dear Editor: RE: Ditch plaques, Jan. 24. Rachel Bernstein’s letter contending that the many…
Keep plaques
Dear Editor: RE: Ditch plaques, Jan. 24. Historical home plaques need to be taken in historical…
Preserve plaques
Dear Editor: RE: Ditch plaques, Jan. 24. I certainly hope Rachel Bernstein was joking regarding…
Not small-town
Dear Editor: Centre Wellington’s first January council meeting took place on Jan. 21 and the…
‘Unfortunate’ decision
Dear Editor: I attended Wellington North’s council meeting on Jan. 14 mainly to hear the debate…
Clout questioned
Dear Editor: There has been ongoing discussion and opinion articles regarding the proposed Canada…
Ditch plaques
Dear Editor: My letter to you is in regard to the numerous historical homes bearing plaques in our…
Wants bigger sportsplex
Dear Editor: I am a Grade 8 student from John Black Public School. I think that Fergus requires a…