Archived Letter – 397

Sweet Home OH-CAN-AD-A There was a great turn-out for the Canada day celebrations in Fergus on the weekend put on at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex. A rare chance to be somewhat patriotic and unwind, stretch out and nestle in for the live entertainment and fireworks. The band had a captive audience for their last song which they chose to play before the national anthem, that being: Sweet Home Alabama. A song made famous for speaking out against Neil Youngs critism towards racism and slavery in the southern states. How would Neil Youngs Southern Man or Alabama go over on a 4th of July celenbation in the States? Why put the audience in the awkward position of singing about Alabama on Canada Day? Is this not strange to anyone else? Although why not? What is the problem? Maybe nothing at all. I just found something didnt sit well with having Sweet Home Alabama stuck in my head as the fireworks went off. This song says very little to me about Canada; or maybe it says a lot. Perhaps next year a bit more thought should go into the choice of music just prior to the fireworks. Maybe a pipe band or if its cover music look to Canadian artists such as the Tragically Hip or Neil Young? Egan Baird

Egan Baird