Archived Letter – 398

I don’t know if I should cry or die laughing regarding the fugitive snake hysteria that has taken over Arthur. Having worked with animals from around the world for over 30 years and doing charity shows and seminars about wildlife, it still amazes me over the fear a snake can bring. Yes a 7 foot snake could bite, especially if scared or cornered. But a cat or dog can bite harder, run at you faster and spread 10 times as many diseases to humans. People are also far more likely to go up to a furry creature and run from a scaly one, further reducing the likelihood of being bit by a snake. A starving snake will go after rabbits and squirrels, not 9 year olds in a playground – they hunt by smell and children don’t smell like rodents. Unfortunately the phobia of snakes is so strong the community is looking themselves inside because there is a snake, yet will stop to take photos if they see a stray coyote in their backyard. The state of Ohio quickly wrote laws to ban exotics after a crazy man released some from his farm. Not a single person was harmed, but responsible pet owners got slapped with new laws. Now look at how many people were shot in that state and if anyone dared challenge the firearm laws. I can only hope the township considers actual facts & not just fear and pandemonium if it begins to enact new bylaws. Elmira did just that, and even added fictional animals to its list in its hurry and fears. Lance Henderson (U of G BA Hon, worked with exotic animals for two universities and the Canadian government. )

Lance Henderson