Archived Letter – 382

Our Community is amazing! This past Friday night the “Puck U” men’s ball hockey…

Archived Letter – 383

Birthday Party Supplies – Shop dazzling, party supplies and party supplies decorations!…

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The Effect of Poor Customer Service: Good-bye A couple months ago, I received a new credit card in…

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In her statement against raw milk, Glenna R. Smith quotes Dr. Murray McQuigge as stating in 2007…

Archived Letter – 386

Conservative Budget Bill Threatens Natural Resources: Prime Minister Harper is hoping you wont…

Archived Letter – 387

Please Slow Down! In the past couple of years, I have noticed an increase in speed on the Scotland…

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Re: Erins economic development committee on hiatus, May 25, 2012 I joined the Erin Economic…

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Dear editors I am not sure who to write to as the shelter I volunteer at falls within all three of…

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Squabbling about Guelph’s bus terminal. Everyone stop complaining about the new terminal.…

Archived Letter – 391

I have read with interest the issue in Erin Township with respect to “procedure and policy…

Archived Letter – 392

TOUGH CHOICES Dear Editor: Re: Utility costs will not be waived for EWCS food bank In last weeks…

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I’m missing something; How is it that our township council would consider spending mega…

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I’m missing something; How is it that our council would consider spending mega dollars on a…

Archived Letter – 395

I do consider myself pretty lucky living in Fergus. It is a beautiful small town with lots to…

Archived Letter – 396

Open Letter to the Elora BIA I sincerely hope you got that statue you have put in the little park…