Archived Letter – 369

Dear Editor I read with interest the plight that Robert and Phylis Huntly have with the flooding that they have on their home property. I and a few neighbours have simialar problem here in Mount Forest on Normanby St. N Pictures were sent to the Mayor. The Mayor came to my home and we talked. The day after the superintendant and crew came here and flushed out a sewer system and unfortunately made matters worse. The bottom line is.Pardon the pun they washed their hands of the matter saying “This occurs all over town probably a couple of people got to-gether and over a case of beer and a hand shake rerouting of water was done with out notifying the township. We do not budget for this problem” The fact of the matter is,pay your property tax you become an asset. Try and dip into that pot to solve a propert problem that we had no control over we become an liability

Robert Ward