Archived Letter – 378

Dear Editor, As a parent of children that attend St. Mary school in Elora I was appalled by the personal attack made on the teachers, principal and students in a letter titled “Loud Schoolyard”. I can understand it can be loud and annoying to some when the children are playing outside at recess just as it is loud and annoying when your neighbour decides to cut his grass while you are trying to enjoy a family dinner on your deck. Tolerance is a huge requirement for living in a neighbourhood. St. Mary school was built in 1954 long before any of the homes that now surround it. I am sure you knew it was there when you purchased your home. As for the comment about the teachers not being good role models, I can tell you that they are the kindest, most caring respectable role models our children have been blessed to know and you should be ashamed for saying otherwise! A suggestion for the neighbours of St. Mary school who feel violated and deprived of the peace and tranquility of their backyards during the one hour a day the children are outside, perhaps you could stay in doors and turn on some nice music or maybe go meet a friend for tea. Life is too short to be consumed with anger over the sound of children playing!

Danielle Shafer