Archived Letter – 372

The disruptive kids attacked in your letter are Junior Kindergarten students. The fenced-in area separates these little bodies from the older children, giving them a space where they can play and feel safe. That safety is threatened when an upset neighbour shouts at the children to be quiet or she will call the police. Is this the same person commenting on role models? (Not to mention making our young kids afraid of the police.) My 5 year old son, who truly loves school, is now afraid to go to school and cries at night. Three recesses total one hour and ten minutes. Is it so awful that the kids run and play and laugh, even loudly? Is this not the appropriate time for exercise and burning off steam? These children are now 4 or 5 years old. Are you criticising teachers for not disciplining FUN? The children have been playing outside all year. Many people can hear children playing if they live near any school. The difference is most people find it joyful. This class took time to sing Christmas carols with the residents of Heritage River in December, so perhaps you should speak for yourself. Kids can be loud and disruptive, however I think it is hugely inappropriate to take it upon yourself to shout at them, on multiple occasions. Your actions are having a very heartbreaking effect in my home. After crying one night, my little boy prayed for the scary lady to become friendly. I think our teachers are wonderful role models, teaching our kids to be very thoughtful of their neighbours. ~Paula Waram

Paula Waram