Archived Letter – 478

Queen’s Jubilee Medals

Dear Editors;
Well you guys sure got your family jewels kicked last week !! And you deserved it !! Politics and religion are very touchy topics in Wellington county as you just found out. Your naivety overwhelms most people in this county as evidenced by the virulent letters sent in. Misters Adsett and Daponte, you should be embarrassed to criticize and ridicule the fine members of our society who toil in Parliament, in the Senate and in our very own council chambers !! What did you expect ? Did you really think that someone would suggest a justifiable recipient such as
the bird lovers who feed our friends everyday. Did
you expect someone to nominate a member of one of our community associations that “adopt a road” and keep it clean? Did you think that anyone in their right mind would present the name of a minor hockey or baseball coach who has worked for the last 20 years with young people. You two men need to get your “act” together and begin to realize that it is these fine young politicians and wardens
that contribute to our community,
not the “hands-on” citizens who know the needs of our county, who plant trees on weekends, who deliver free meals, who visit the elderly, and who canvas for charity.
Shame on you for suggesting otherwise.

Jim McClure,
Crieff, Ontario.

Jim McClure