Let there be light – Donated Christmas lights were strung by Wellington North Power on the…
Community News
Mount Forest Cemetery walking tours benefit local foodbanks
WELLINGTON NORTH - Morgan McCannell was sitting in on a cultural roundtable meeting when she found northern county residents had a particular interest in walking tours.
Santa Claus coming to Mapleton
MAPLETON - Santa Claus is coming to the township.
Officials mum on whether Palmerston blaze could be linked to Saturday party
PALMERSTON – The OPP is investigating a fire that destroyed a building on Norman Street here on Monday but both police and Minto Fire officials remain tightlipped about whether or not the blaze could be linked to a previous incident at the site two days earlier.
Palmerston building demolished after major structure fire
PALMERSTON - Minto Fire, along with Mapleton and North Perth fire departments, have wrapped up operations at a fire that destroyed a building on Norman Street here.
Mapleton Township projecting 1.64% increase in tax rate for 2022
DRAYTON – The latest version of Mapleton Township’s draft budget features a 2022 tax rate that is lower than earlier projected and a total tax burden that is actually lower than it was in 2020.
Palmerston EarlyON Child and Family Centre officially opened
PALMERSTON – Wellington County’s newest EarlyOn Child and Family Centre was officially opened here Nov. 19.
The search is on for builder of Brent Barnes Memorial Skatepark
WELLINGTON NORTH - The bidding is on for design proposals for the Brent Barnes Memorial Skatepark, hoped to be built on Arthur's former fairgrounds, by June 15, 2022.
Minto approves funding requests from Palmerston Lions, Harriston Skating Club
MINTO – Council approved requests for COVID-19 relief funding from the Palmerston Lions Club and Harriston Skating Club at the Nov. 16 meeting.
Minto Arts Christmas Show and Silent Auction underway for 2021
HARRISTON – The Minto Arts Council’s annual Christmas show and silent auction opened Nov. 16 and continues until to Dec. 4
Harriston area church staging Bethlehem Live
MINTO - Anticipation is building at Whites Road Pentecostal Church (WRPC) in Harriston as preparations for the second presentation of the church’s Bethlehem Live drive thru nativity is in full swing.
Old Fashioned Christmas Arthur parade theme
ARTHUR - Santa Claus is coming to town for the OptiMrs Santa Claus Parade on Nov. 27. The parade kicks off at 7pm, beginning near the Arthur Optimist Pavillion off Tucker Street.
Grey Wellington Theatre Guild brings laughter to the stage
Stage comedy – The Grey Wellington Theatre Guild returned to the Harriston Town Hall Theatre…
WHHS teacher and students create Remembrance display
Remembrance display – Teacher Ken Kivell and his students put up a Remembrance Day display on…
St. Mary’s School in Mount Forest created Remembrance display
St. Mary’s display – St. Mary’s School in Mount Forest had an impressive display on its…