TORONTO – Saying “yes” to Encore paid off for Janet Ritchie of Arthur. Ritchie…
Maybe this pandemic has finally gotten to me, or maybe turning 50 was a bigger life change than I anticipated, but I’ve made a life-changing decision.
Elora splash pad under construction
Under construction – The splash pad at Elora’s O’Brien Park is under…
New speed markers in place to encourage traffic to slow down
Slow down – New speed markers have been set in place in the middle of the road on Millburn…
August. Already. It’s weird how this pandemic makes me feel like I’m moving at a glacial pace,…
New wheels
When the Carpenter picked me up on our first date, he was driving a 1986 silver Oldsmobile Cutlass.…
Work on Wilson Dam continues in Fergus
FERGUS - Work is continuing this week on the Wilson Dam between Confederation Park and the Groves Mill condos in Fergus. A 350-tonne crane attracted a lot of attention on July 22, when it began drilling to install 12 rock anchors, 10 feet apart, which will help the keep the dam secure.
Wicked winds damage Fergus tennis courts
Wicked winds – High winds whipped through Wellington County on July 19, taking out branches…
Elora Legion bottle drive supports Get In Touch For Hutch
Bottle drive donation – The Elora Legion, Branch 229, hosted a bottle-drive fundraiser in…
Green bin
A few months ago I came home to find a green bin standing upright in the driveway.
Centre Wellington Fire Rescue adds new tanker to the fleet
New tanker – Centre Wellington Fire Rescue (CWFR) had its new tanker delivered last week from…
Back to play at area playgrounds
Back to play – Elise McMillan of Fergus was happy to be back at Stait Park on July 20,…
Fergus Horticultural Society volunteers happy to be back in the gardens
The Diggers are back – Community volunteers with the Fergus and District Horticultural Society…
Early last Monday morning, as I was getting in the car to head to work, my three favourite neighbours, the cutest kids in town, yelled across the street in unison, “Happy birthday, Kelly!” Adorable.
OMAFRA Report: Farmers advised to monitor fields for Armyworm and Leaf Beetles
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…