New tanker – Centre Wellington Fire Rescue (CWFR) had its new tanker delivered last week from…
Back to play at area playgrounds
Back to play – Elise McMillan of Fergus was happy to be back at Stait Park on July 20,…
Fergus Horticultural Society volunteers happy to be back in the gardens
The Diggers are back – Community volunteers with the Fergus and District Horticultural Society…
Early last Monday morning, as I was getting in the car to head to work, my three favourite neighbours, the cutest kids in town, yelled across the street in unison, “Happy birthday, Kelly!” Adorable.
OMAFRA Report: Farmers advised to monitor fields for Armyworm and Leaf Beetles
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
The heat warnings of late have really turned up the heat of my affection for my husband, the Carpenter.
A long-standing mystery for me has recently been solved. I understand why people love gardening. I get it now. I truly do. It’s so simple that I cannot believe I’ve missed it all this time, when the answers were growing around me all along. Gardening is its own reward.
Elora Farmers’ Market uses fresh approach for patrons
Lanes of freshness – The Elora Farmers’ Market ensured physical distancing on June 13 and…
The two most important men in my life are my father, Gary, and my husband, the Carpenter. These two men have a lot in common, despite being from different generations.
Inaugural Erin Pride Procession celebrated Pride Month
Pride celebration – To highlight Pride Month, AAA Events owner Tracey Wallace decided the…
Restaurant patios, hair salons among businesses reopening on June 12
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local businesses shuttered since mid-March by COVID-19 pandemic restrictions are gearing up to re-open following the June 8 announcement the county is among the areas allowed to move to stage 2 of the province’s re-opening plan on June 12.
There will be no Pomp and Circumstance to lead the graduating class of 2020 across the stage, signifying their official graduate status.
You’ll be relieved to know that the Carpenter did return home from the Elora waste facility last Saturday, which, as I explained last week, was not something I was certain would happen because that is his sacred place.
It is said if you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back to you, then it was yours all along, but if it doesn’t return, it was never yours in the first place.
Elora Legion hosted bottle drive for Get In Touch For Hutch, next one May 30
Bottle drive – The Elora Legion hosted a bottle drive fundraiser in support of Get In Touch…