LISTOWEL 5 FLORADALE 1 Phil Shantz buried a rebound to register the first goal and give Listowel…
I admire people who share photos of their perfectly decorated Christmas trees on social media.
Merry movies
I was feeling a little under the weather this weekend so, I did something I need to do more. I took Me time.
Serving others
I’m fortunate to have parents who taught me the value of community at an early age.
Floradale outscores Community
FLORADALE 8 COMMUNITY 1 Floradale owned all three periods to keep Community out of the game. The…
Good night
There are some truths in a marriage that nobody can prepare you for, like issues tucked into your marital bed.
Make time
At least twice a day I drive past the Wellington County Museum and Archives, but I never pass without taking notice of the grand building that stands atop the hill.
McKeown Farms compete at Royal Winter Fair
Royal competition – Heading off to show, these Clydesdales from McKeown Farms Inc. of Fergus get ready to head into the ring of the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Nov. 2.
Twenty years
The Carpenter and I recently celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary.
Instant coffee is not coffee. It’s just not. It shouldn’t even be a thing. It’s a lie in an…
Mark your ballot
I overhead this remark the other day: “What difference does it make who I vote for? Politicians are all liars. Nothing is going to change.” It made me wonder, is there is a greeting card for apathy? I may write one.
PIN offering new technology training day
GUELPH - Two area volunteer associations are partnering to offer a technology training session.
The greatest lesson I’ve learned this year is this: never underestimate the power of gratitude.
Green Hornet
Nine years. 468 payments. One lease. One bank loan. Paid off.
Elora citizens gather to show support for Global Climate Action Week
Climate action - A group of concerned Elora citizens was in front of Centre Wellington’s municipal office on Sept. 27 to raise awareness about climate change on the last day of Global Climate Action Week.