
I apologize to you all for that snow in this week’s forecast. Totally my fault. I got my snow tires off a few weeks ago, so it was likely Kelly karma. I jumped the gun.(I also put the snow shovel in the shed too, so yeah, guilty). 


The announcement of another lockdown, talk of new COVID-19 variants, bad news close to home, another family holiday dinner cancelled, missing my college kid far from home and the realization that the Easter Bunny forgot my Cadbury Crème Egg this year, was a lot to take in on Sunday morning.

Sir Andrew

Amongst the menagerie of pets in my home is a rabbit who takes up a fairly significant amount of square footage in my living room. I bet you are judging me right now. Who lets a rabbit hop around their living room? Me, that’s who.


I know I’ve convinced you that I have it all together (pretend I have convinced you). Check marks in all the check boxes. Ducks in a row. Balanced mind. Balanced bank account. Clean floors and countertops. Career on point. Rock solid marriage. Mother of the year. A regular Susie Sunshine.