A recently-formed youth council in the Town of Minto is seeking additional…
Old Post clock tower restoration a community-driven project
The success of a fundraising effort was celebrated and a new endeavour was announced at The Old…
Stolen ATV
Wellington County OPP was called to a residence on Elora Street here for a report of a stolen…
Principal kisses goat for foodbank fundraiser
Norwell District Secondary School staff and students held a successful food drive last week to…
Apple Day
In appreciation of the community's support, First Palmerston Cubs Gavyn Moore and Kaleigh Dobson…
Helping Hands raffle yields over $27,000 for charities
The Helping Hands raffle, sponsored by Germania Mutual Insurance (GMI), yielded over $27,000 to…
Innovative partnership bringing better care to long-term care residents in Wellington
A new, innovative partnership between two long-term care homes is improving access to primary care…
Tree planting in Teviotdale
County of Wellington and Town of Minto councillors, employees and their families, participated in…
Best Buddies
Norwell District Secondary School sent six students and one staff member to the Best Buddies…
Tournament proceeds
Minto Mayor George Bridge, left, presents Daniel Plessis-Belair of the First Palmerston Scouts with…