A new, innovative partnership between two long-term care homes is improving access to primary care…
Tree planting in Teviotdale
County of Wellington and Town of Minto councillors, employees and their families, participated in…
Best Buddies
Norwell District Secondary School sent six students and one staff member to the Best Buddies…
Tournament proceeds
Minto Mayor George Bridge, left, presents Daniel Plessis-Belair of the First Palmerston Scouts with…
Syrian family to arrive in Minto on Oct. 17
A family fleeing violence in their homeland will soon be making their home in…
OPP operations centre in Teviotdale site of 2016 Warden”s Tree Planting
About 100 County of Wellington and Town of Minto councillors, employees and their families,…
Journey for Jasper raises $12,000
Over $12,000 was raised by hundreds of participants at the Journey for Jasper fundraiser here on…
Norwell a busy spot as school year resumes activities for fall
Norwell District Secondary School has gotten back into the swing of…
Crime of the Week
Sometime between June 11 and 13, an act of mischief occurred at Lions Park in…
Drone uncovers hundreds of marijuana plants in corn field
Police used a drone last week to uncover hundreds of marijuana plants in a corn field…