A first-of-its-kind collection program for sharps and unused livestock pharmaceutical products is…
Benjamins elected to Growmark board
Ed Benjamins, of Moorefield, was elected to serve a second term as director on the…
Ontario Horticultural Convention highlights
Several area horticulturalists attended the Ontario Horticultural Association convention…
Fair ambassador visits local schools
Arthur’s Fall Fair ambassador recently went back to school, this time to tell students about…
Innovator’s achievement saluted
Councillors here want to honour one of their residents for innovation in agriculture. At a recent…
$4-million for research chairs at university
Wellington Halton Hills MP Michael Chong recently announced the federal Canada will spend…
Equine players join forces for safety’s sake
The new youth safety initiative, Play Safe. It’s HorseSense was announced as a partnership…
Government sets organic farming grant
The federal government says it is providing organic farmers with the support they need to tap into…
Hill, Quarrington to attend Writer’s Festival
Lawrence Hill will be among the line-up of 50 authors at this year’s Writers’…
Northern plowman takes part in Bellamy Threshing Bee
It seems that Norm Craigie, 77, has had one foot in the furrow for his whole life. The Mount Forest…
Harriston-Minto fall fair runs Sept. 12, 13 and 14
Apples, A Bushel of Fun is the theme for the 149th Harriston-Minto Fall Fair. The midway…
Balloon promotes farming
A yellow harvest balloon began a journey across the Ontario skyline Aug. 13 as part of an…
Mount Forest 4-H Invitational Show results
The Mount Forest 4-H Invitational Show started at 10am on Monday at the fair. We had 76 Dairy…
Plant sale runs on Sept. 13
The Elora and Salem Horticultural Society’s annual plant sale is on Sept.13 from…
Steam Era show this weekend
Milton – Organizers are planning to have heritage come alive this weekend at the fairgrounds.…