On Oct. 31, two classes of the Community Environmental Leadership Program (CELP) of the Upper Grand…
National 4-H asks members to show their colours on Nov. 5
The Canadian 4-H council is asking everyone to wear green on Nov. 5 to kick-off National 4-H Month…
November workshops for beef producers
Four workshops will be held across the province during the first week of November to offer a…
Multi-million dollar Equine Centre near reality for Puslinch Twp.
A national Equine Centre is nearing approval, Wellington County councillors heard here…
Dairy group changes name after 25 years
After 25 years, Ontario Large Herd Operators has changed its name to Progressive…
Dual role for board
On Oct. 6, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (OFPMC) presented its decision…
Fair gets funding
It’s a bit of a boost for the Harriston Minto Agricultural Society. Councillors here have…
Several ways to handle leaves in township this fall
No wonder it is called fall: temperatures fall; gas prices fall; stock markets fall; nights…
Local society had successful show
The Elora and Salem Horticultural Society’s fall plant sale did not disappoint. Proceeds…
Damascus WI visits garden centre
On Oct. 8, 12 members of the group travelled to Palmerston to the King’s restaurant…
4-H milk club holds second meeting
On Sept. 24 at 7:30pm the second meeting of the 4-H Milk Makes It Better club was held at leader…
Mary Ann Connell has fond memories of Junior Farmers
Wellington County Junior Farmers will be celebrating their 90th anniversary on Oct. 18at the Arthur…
Village’s 158th annual fall fair is running all this weekend
The agricultural displays at the end of people’s driveways remind everyone that the Erin Fall…
In last week edition of the Wellington Advertiser, Green Party Candidate Brent Bouteiller was cited…
Women’s Institute at tree nursery
The theme for the September meeting of the Alma W.I. was agriculture. Convenors Helen…