Township has been forced to deal with Giant Hogweed before

When Centre Wellington councillors were told about Giant Hogweed by Wellington County staff July 7, they also received a quick lesson about the weed in the muni­cipality.

Public Works Director Ken Elder said one eight-foot high Giant Hogweed was found growing on Metcalfe Street, a main street of Elora.

Another Giant Hogweed was in the northeast section of Fergus, and yet another was found in Wilson’s Flats, in Pilkington.

The noxious weed is very dangerous, and can cause pain­ful injuries and even blindness.

In all cases, Elder said the plant was removed. In the case of the one in Elora, a store­owner had planted it, thinking it was something else.

Elder said the weed looks like angelica. He noted that when the township removes such plants, the workers wear chemical suits for protection.

Councillor Walt Visser said he believes he saw such a plant only a few weeks ago.

Elder said the township brings in county weed inspec­tor John Benham if it has any doubts about a plant, and particularly for this one because of the dangers it poses.


