It’s time to stop arguing about past spills from a local gravel pit and move on to ensure the…
Beatlemania on Tour – the Beatles Experience is coming to Old Roxy on May 22
Beatlemania On Tour – The Beatles Experience will be coming to the Old Roxy theatre on…
Drayton Tulip Festival a resounding success
With much of today’s society focused on the future, it’s important for people to step…
2.9% increase in Town of Mintos tax levy
The 2010 tax levy here is up by about 2.9%. Treasurer Gord Duff estimated that for an average…
Wellington residents far too trusting – and crooks appreciate it
People in Wellington County apparently believe everyone is honest – and that is why…
Wellington County insists on enforcing its half load rules
Wellington County council has agreed it will uphold its half-load season rules – despite…
County awards OPP building
County council has awarded a firm from here the job of building the Centre Wellington OPP…
Village institution closes doors after 40 years
Little KaTy Variety has closed its doors after 40 years of selling everything from milk to…
Philharmonic choir announces Vuorinen will be artistic director, conductor
The Grand Philharmonic Choir here has announced the appointment of Mark Vuorinen as its new…
Active transportation resolution passed to recreation committee
Wellington North council wants information from its recreation committee before making a…
Centre Wellington Chamber events
NETWORKING BREAKFASTS Wednesday, May 19th at the Elora Mill Inn, CW Chamber Annual General Meeting.…
Mapleton Township seeking bridge study funding
Township officials are hopeful a new provincial fund will help cover a portion of its bridge…
Centre Wellington Township gradually closing in on merger of old sign bylaws
Sometimes people don’t even notice them, and other times they seem a blight on the landscape.…
Composters sale a success again
On April 17, hundreds of county residents attended the solid waste services backyard…
New Business – Art of the Bloom Flowers Market and the Floral Boutique, 45 Mill St, Elora…