WELLINGTON NORTH — Township staff here will start removing the ice from the Mount Forest and Arthur arenas as early as this week. Wellington North council approved the decision on Feb. 8.
Community News
Nater named opposition critic for middle class prosperity
PERTH-WELLINGTON – Local Conservative MP John Nater has new portfolio as opposition critic for middle-class prosperity. Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole announced changes to the Official Opposition’s “shadow cabinet” on Feb. 10
Passing the puck at the Moorefield Optimist Club’s outdoor rink
Outdoor fun – Among a small group of hockey enthusiasts passing the puck around on the local…
Maitland River: calm for now
Calm for now – During a major flood in June of 2017, Maitland River flows reached the bottom…
No injuries after a single-vehicle rollover north of Harriston
No injuries – Blowing snow made driving difficult in the region on Feb. 5. Western Region OPP…
Rink racers enjoy the outdoor rink at PMD arena
Rink racers – Enjoying some ice time with a race across the outdoor rink on the PMD arena…
The best of both worlds
With a vote at their Feb. 2 meeting, Minto council members set in motion a plan that could literally re-shape a community.
Mornington to receive federal funds to bring high speed service to local homes
MAPLETON – Households in two communities here will benefit from federal funding aimed at…
Preschoolers show support for the arts with artwork of their own
Community support – The doors at the Harriston Town Hall Theatre may not be open to the…
Mount Forest water tower will remain ‘high, healthy, happy’
KENILWORTH — The "High, Healthy, Happy" motto on the Mount Forest water tower is here to stay, Wellington North council has decided.
Home builder, metal fabricator purchase lots in Palmerston Industrial Park
MINTO – The sale of two Palmerston Industrial Park building lots, including one for a condominium-style business park complex, have been approved by town council.
BBBS of North Wellington cancels Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser
NORTH WELLINGTON – Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Wellington (BBBS) has cancelled its annual Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minto approves action plan to assist local non-profit groups
MINTO – Town council has approved spending up to $19,500 on an action plan to support local non-profit service and cultural organizations dealing with the impact of COVID-19.
South Bruce nuclear dump opponents address Minto council
MINTO – A group fighting a proposal to locate an underground dumpsite for radioactive nuclear waste in neighbouring South Bruce brought its concerns to council here on Feb. 2.
Councillor concerned about lack of parkland in proposed Mount Forest subdivision
KENILWORTH – A Wellington North councillor has expressed concern about the lack of parkland in a proposed subdivision in Mount Forest.