OTTAWA – Efforts made by Canadians are keeping the COVID-19 spread under manageable control but…
Open Mind: Quarantine cocktails
The Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction has posted an interesting study on their…
Arthur Legion commemorated the 75th anniversary of Victory in Japan
Victory recognized – Perth-Wellington MP John Nater, Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox, and…
Clifford man killed in crash near Harriston
HOWICK – Emergency personnel are currently on scene of a two-vehicle crash west of Harriston that…
Louise Marshall Hospital foundation receives Legion donations
MOUNT FOREST – The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) recently presented two donations to the…
Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation receive big donation
Big donation – The Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation recently received a donation…
ScotDance Canada to hold virtual charity online dance competition
CANADA – ScotDance Canada will be holding an online Highland dance competition across the…
Ice cream cone hunt on in Wellington North
WELLINGTON NORTH – The township’s recreation department is hosting an ice cream hunt. To…
Walk-It for Parkinson’s has become Walk the Block
SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO – COVID- 19 has affected how Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario will…
Local police laid 99 charges over August long weekend
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local police laid close to 100 charges during their traffic safety blitz…
Official: Crime Stoppers ready for remote messaging for schools
Each year talk of “Back To School” seems to catch us off guard. However, this year, with…
Applications closed for UGDSB task force
GUELPH – Applications for the Upper Grand District School Board’s (UGDSB) Police Presence…
CVC offering free webinar on fighting invasive phragmites
MISSISSAUGA – Phragmites is an invasive plant that has been damaging ecosystems in Ontario for…