Archived Letter – 699

The Community of Berkeley And Sixty Sideroad Also known as “THE BERKELEY ROAD” It’s…

Archived Letter – 700

It is regrettable that the misreading of my previous letter to the editor has reminded one writer…

Archived Letter – 701

I am always amazed when I see our community pull together and help eachother out for no other…

Archived Letter – 702

Dear Editor I would dearly like to see one of the bright sparks in the Toronto Star explain how Ted…

Archived Letter – 703

For the last 2 years I have been proud to call fergus my home. It is a nice, safe, kind community.…

Archived Letter – 704

Dear Editor My wife and I decided to upgrade our fuse pane to breakers. After checking with friends…

Archived Letter – 705

Dear Editor: Re: The “G” word Aug 8,2014 It appears someone has a problem with Robert…

Archived Letter – 706

Dear Editor; Each Saturday morning my grandson and I watch the comedies on television. We love…

Archived Letter – 707

I’m writing in response to the opinion piece, ” Parents have nothing to fear from video…

Archived Letter – 708

Dear Wellington Advertiser, I thought perhaps I missed an issue of the Wellington Advertiser last…

Archived Letter – 709

The two little words, thank you,can not possible express what I want to say to everyone who helped…

Archived Letter – 710

Dear Editor; I need to preface my letter by confirming that I am the Administrator for the Elora…

Archived Letter – 711

I moved to Fergus back in February. I moved from a small town north of highway 89, where you know…

Archived Letter – 712

Dear Editor, As a home daycare provider, I include outdoor play as part of our daily routine, which…

Archived Letter – 713

Hello, I am a student at Fleming College in Peterborough Ontario and am having somewhat of an issue…