Archived Letter – 701

I am always amazed when I see our community pull together and help eachother out for no other reason other than because that’s what community does.
On Tuesday my family was on the receiving end of this wonderful outpouring of caring and kindness and understanding.
Our daughter Abby was injured during a soccer game, and we just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you!
Thank you to Cindy for knowing what to do. Thank you to Dave for making the call to Rick and thank you to Rick for sending Scott and Jeremy and Mike. Thank you to Mike and Jeremy and Scott for showing up so quickly and making Abby feel like she was important. She commented to me later that her witty banter was all an act so that no one would feel like “oh poor kiddo”. She was pretty scared and you made her feel comforted. Thank you to all the parents, spectators, players, coaches and officials for keeping Abby in your thoughts. Thank you to the guys who stuck around and flagged the ambulance down. And thank you to the paramedics who showed up and strapped Abby in, and had the patience to answered all her questions (goodness knows there were a lot!) and again made her feel like a person, instead of an injured child on the soccer field. I know I’m missing people, and I’m sorry, please know that we are forever grateful for all everyone did that night. You all hold a special place in our hearts
Mapleton is an awesome place to live, and Tuesday was once again, an obvious testament to that! We are truly blessed.
Abby is going to be just fine! She was back on the field Saturday!
From the bottom of our hearts Thank you so very much!!!
Angie, Chris and Abby Culp
Ps: Scott, Abby says she’s ready any time to have the debate about the Ford

Angie Culp