Archived Letter – 712

Dear Editor,
As a home daycare provider, I include outdoor play as part of our daily routine, which will sometimes result in noise and, at times, upset young children being heard in our neighbourhood. Recently I received an anonymous letter from “Grateful in Drayton” that offered support for my endeavours.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to “Grateful in Drayton” for your very kind, reassuring, and affirming words, and for your thoughtful and generous surprise. The time you took to say what you did, and your random act of kindness, are gratefully appreciated and brightened my busy day. It is heart-warming to know that, in this wonderful small community, people do pay attention and truly care for one another. You have given me something to treasure and that I’ll always remember, and so I thank you also for that.

Colleen Mullin