Over the years this column has dealt with the temperance movement on several occasions. Most of the…
Winter wonderland
With the longer hours of daylight, springtime no longer seems so far away. In a younger year, I…
A difficult choice
A few decades ago the investment outlook was hopeful, and choices were clear. Even staid old bonds…
March lamb
The day this paper is dropped off at your doorstep, the winds of March will already be with us, and…
Gender bunny
Don’t ask me how I get myself into these situations, but recently I found myself discussing…
Superior Knitting Company did not enjoy good relations in Mount Forest
This is the second of a two-part column on the stormy history of the Superior Knitting Company in…
Blaaough-blugh-blugh! There just ain’t no way, any how, any place, that one can…
Market Nonsense
Recently the press, notably magazine covers, have featured stories stating that we are on the…
Guelph foundry tried to aid Confederacy during American Civil War
Canadians took a keen interest in the American Civil War, avidly following events as they were…
As summer slowly slips away, so does my sanity. If I hear the words “I’m bored”…
‘Paths to prosperity’
In my column last month, I wrote about jobs and the economy, and our PC Caucus’ ideas to…
I am certainly sure that we underestimate the intelligence of animals. Having occasional time on my…
Telling stories
It is said that if you do what you love in your career, the rewards will be richer than financial…
Shopping calendar
As we note the dwindling hours of daylight and start to settle in for the long winter ahead, the…
On a sunny, cloud-spotted midday this past week, as I sauntered aimlessly from my birdie bungalow,…