Too many questions Starting Jan. 1, mayors will be able to send an alternate to attend county…
Summer Jobs funding
Reasonable limits This year businesses applying for the Canada Summer Jobs program will have to…
Across the pond
His bags are packed. The passport is ready. Forms are filled out. The money is in the account. And…
Storytelling methods
Photos changed storytelling I started my journalism career with photography. One of my favourite…
Lucky kid
Three things you should know about me by now: I enjoy car rides, I like hanging out with my kids…
Political campaign texts
Tread carefully Before the provincial election on June 7, I received two text messages, one from an…
Balloon burst
The Carpenter’s birthday on Sunday was a quiet success, just the way he likes it, but it…
Wightman one of last independent phone companies
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
In order to keep the squirrel population reasonably numbered in our back yard, I possess what is…
What does love mean?
From deep within the ever growing accumulation of interesting little captions which I have stashed,…
Acting emotionally
Real estate values in general do not follow the basic laws of supply and demand as do mainstream…
Market-driven agribusiness
Even though farmers now total only about 2 per cent of the population, by most measures they are a…
Going down
There is an old saying that, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” Nevertheless,…
Not much help
If you wish to rely on economic predictions, particularly longer term ones, you will discover that…
Harvey arrested in Toronto after shooting wife, kids
Last week’s column described the actions of William H. Harvey on the morning of…