Township has trouble securing vendor for termite management program

ELORA – The termites are still here but companies able to supply termite management programs appear to be in short supply.

Centre Wellington staff have tried twice to negotiate contracts with companies to embark on a termite eradication plan in both Elora and Fergus but so far, no takers.

At the May 13 council meeting, managing director of corporate services Adam McNabb told council there might be light at the end of this tunnel.

“Worth noting is that since negotiation discussions had initiated, Sentricon termite colony eliminations system has been made available in the Canadian market,” McNabb stated in his report.

“Corteva, the parent company to Sentricon, has identified two vendors that are directly licensed to utilize their product.”

He was seeking direction from council to reach out to the Canadian vendor to see if there is interest in taking on Centre Wellington’s termites.

And if that goes well, he also wanted direction from council to conduct a second survey of residents to determine if they would be willing to participate in the program using the Sentricon product, if they would allow access to their property, and to explain the rationale if they are not willing.

Councillor Barb Evoy said she is concerned the program might not get started this summer. 

“Is it likely to happen this season?” she asked. 

McNabb said it was too early to know.

Council agreed with the staff recommendation to initiate discussion with Aetna Pest Control to determine if it will take the contract.