Those crazy, hazy, lazy days of summer are slipping fast away. I don’t think there is anyone,…
Rain, go away!
“Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day.” That was a childhood chant that…
Canadian National improved facilities in Fergus in 1929, 1930
Though his name is largely unknown today, Sir Henry Thornton was one of the best known men in…
Remember how I told you that the Carpenter sent me shopping for nails? Hold on to that thought,…
Hard choices
It never has been easy to know how to invest successfully, but recently it has become much more…
Mother nature
As I looked out my frost-spattered window this past morning the lifting fog whisps shadowed the…
Letting go
As 2014 wraps up, I realize that the best way to put it behind me is to reflect on it, learn from…
Underlying trends
If deflationary trends persist, they can trigger severe economic repercussions. Once it is widely…
A new role
Now that we are just about at the peak of student enrolment at our post-secondary institutions,…
Being rushed
Why do people nowadays feel so rushed? It is a common complaint that everybody, everywhere seems to…
The osprey are back
It used to be the return of the robin that signified spring to me, but now it’s the return of…
An object lesson
In the year 2007 Stelco was purchased by the U.S. Steel Corporation for $1.1 billion. At that time…
Celebrating 150 years
July 1, 1867 witnessed the birth of the most just, most tolerant, most diverse, most compassionate,…
Chasing sunsets
In the middle of our recent heat wave, I was restless beyond words. As the day slipped away, the…
Chicken tractor
During the last week of August, something new was added to our landscape. It has been dubbed…