ELORA – The Fergus Fall Fair Committee is bringing back Breakfast on the Farm for the third…
Erin group tours Wallenstein Feed mill
ERIN – On May 27 the 4-H Erin club went to the Wallenstein Feed Mill and Christine…
Belgian horses to be celebrated at Horse Day Erin
ERIN – Belgian horses date back over three centuries and are the descendants of the great…
West Luther Beef Club meets at Walkerbrae Farms
The West Luther 4-H Beef club met at Walkerbrae Farms on May 16 at 7 pm. The meeting began with…
The 9th annual Spring Rural Romp included locations in Mapleton, Minto and Wellington North
Spring Rural Romp – The 9th annual Spring Rural Romp was held May 25 at locations in…
Blacklight 4-H planning for public performance
The second meeting of the Blacklight 4-H Club was held on April 26 at 7pm at Mimosa Church. Madison…
Agricultural society offering two new $1,000 scholarships
MAPLETON – The Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society is offering two individual $1,000…
Wellington County among first rural communities to benefit from broadband internet funding
MAPLETON – Wellington County will be among the first rural communities to benefit from the…
Agricultural society offering two new $1,000 scholarships
MAPLETON – The Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society is offering two individual $1,000…
OMAFRA Report: Timing spring turnout
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Eramosa Beef Club learns about grooming calves
Groomers – The Eramosa Beef Club held their second meeting on May 16 at Bessey’s farm.…
Garden of the Month program still thriving in Town of Minto
MINTO – To help celebrate the organization’s 65th anniversary two years ago the Harriston…
Holly Drain of Stoney Lake, top, and Jennifer Tychynski of Ariss, above, competed in breakaway…
Spring plant and bake sale held in Clifford
By Bonnie Whitehead CLIFFORD – Each spring, no matter the weather, volunteers bring plants…
Plant sale
Among those picking up some plants at the Fergus Horticultural Society’s Best Bloomin’ Plant…