This week the Carpenter and I celebrated 13 years of marital, um, (words escape me)…bliss?…
Little bitty tear
“A little bitty tear let me down, spoiled my act as a clown, I had it made up not to make a…
Funeral of Mayor Thomas Goldie was big event in 1892
A characteristic of the late Victorian period was a fondness for staging public events and…
Over the hill
Should those who are “over the hill”, the people who are middle aged or older, be…
Diminutive though they are within the world of web-footed waterfowl, gorgeous is grossly…
Hit reply
Recently, I found myself apologizing for something I am not actually sorry for – being busy.…
Bad timing
Recently, I finished work at my Queen’s Park office at about 7:30pm, and headed for home. On…
Wedding of young Fergus woman was social highlight for town in 1889
Last week’s column described the elaborate funeral of Mayor Tom Goldie of Guelph in 1892.…
Major changes
Retail shopping is in the midst of major changes, but the extent of that is uncertain. Some…
Different is good
I tell my children all the time that it is good to be different, to be unique as individuals. Yet I…
Fall has fallen
Fall has fallen and so have all the leaves, but never before have I seen such a varied display of…
Harriston furniture factory destroyed by fire in 1920
Though only a few vestiges of it remain, furniture making was once a major industry in Wellington,…
Remembering Lincoln Alexander
Along with all Canadians, I was saddened to learn of the passing of Lincoln Alexander last month,…
United Farmers of Ontario held huge picnic at Elora in 1920
The United Farmers of Ontario were one of the more interesting developments in the first two…
A worrying sign
A year or so ago a financial “expert” stated investors should liquidate their…