Today the name of Captain Robert D. Foote is not well known in Fergus. He died 90 years ago, on…
Celebrating a birthday
This year, as we celebrate Canada’s 145th birthday on July 1, Canadians will gather to…
Spring thaw produced widespread destruction in 1912
Over the years this column has described some of the destructive floods on the Grand River and its…
Summer is the season when working parents everywhere balance guilt and budgets to determine the…
New working environments
Frequently nowadays one can see someone opening a laptop in a Starbucks and working away,…
Rural reality
It’s still 20 minutes to the hour of 5am as I sit down at my computer to rattle off the words…
Proposed electric railway line excited residents of Arthur
The years between 1900 and the start of World War I were exciting ones for railway proposals in…
Out of fashion
It appears that many are losing their appetite for investing in the stock market. This is occurring…
Birthday blues
It goes without saying that men and women view birthdays differently. Everything from the gift to…
Big John
Whenever I hear big and John, lacking separated succession, my mind immediately roves back to…
Crime spree of a brazen 18-year-old led to jail term in 1916
A few weeks ago this column carried a summary of the career of Howard Coughlin, a young petty…
Alive and well
For quite some time now, market “experts” have predicted that bond prices would fall,…
In stitches
I blame my recent birthday for the terrifying realization that I have moved up an age category in…
Hay shortage
The writing is already on the wall – there is going to be a terrible shortage of hay this…
Fergus council considered assistance for new housing in 1916
For the first time in the history of Canada, the economy geared up for an all-out military effort…