The biggest gift-giving time of any holiday season is fast approaching. Offshore suppliers have…
Like many of you fair-weather fans out there, I jumped on the Grey Cup bandwagon and booked a spot…
Mount Forest doctor sued patients husband for slander in 1921
Lawsuits and threatened suits against doctors were one of the hazards of the medical profession in…
Dedicated to veterans
Recently, questions have been raised about government support for Canadian veterans. I would like…
Turning of the tide
Although unemployment remains stubbornly high and wage increases are scarce, corporate profits are…
Shell shocked
Hoards of impatient shoppers and parking lot tensions freak me out as the Christmas shopping season…
Hunting season
Bang, bang and sometimes bang again, at the crack of dawn, quite often is the first thing I hear up…
Exploiting consumers
Retailers, in efforts to lure customers, frequently offer discounts. More often than not, customers…
Faith restored
The best thing about my job is the people I meet. Last week was no exception when I spoke to the…
Beyond midnight
On occasion, sleep is sometimes evasive. Mine is quite often broken by the incessant call of…
First local temperance groups were organized in the 1850s
Over the years this column has dealt with the temperance movement on several occasions. Most of the…
A mixed message
In a kind of message of Christmas cheer, it appears that the housing sector in the United States is…
Christmas 2012
Once again, sneaking up on us in the shadows of darkness, taking advantage of the shorter growing…
All you need
Christmas makes me sentimental. I think it has something to do with getting older, wiser (what? It…
Alma flax mill destroyed by fire in February,1921; ends industry here
Flax raising and processing – both for the fibre and for the production of linseed oil…