WI members hears health tips from nurse

On Jan. 9 at 1pm members and guests of the Damascus Women’s Institute met at the Damascus Commu­nity Centre for the group’s monthly meeting.
President Miriam Green wel­comed everyone.
Members sang the Institute grace and enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee with a slice or two of carrot, almond cranberry, lem­on, or pumpkin loaf, as well as cheese and fresh fruit prepared by Marjorie Smith, Pat Hooker, and Shirley Langdon.
Following tea a humorous story The Lesson was read by Green.
Hooker, convenor of Heal­thy Lifestyles, then introduced Donna Clark, a registered nurse. She chose to speak of the Three As of a Healthy Life­style – acceptance, activity, and alternatives.
People are different physically and mentally, and members learned they have to ac­cept themselves for what they are and make the best choices for themselves personally, as well as accept family, friends, neighbours, and husbands for what they are and do not try to change them.
During a lifetime, people are faced with many challen­ges, including the death of a loved one or the News of life threatening health issues.
After a period of grieving one can either give up or accept the circumstances and move forward through the four phases of activity:
– socially, by getting in­volv­ed in the community;
– physically, by joining a fitness club, exersizing, or walking;
– mentally, by keeping your brain working by reading, do­ing crossword puzzles, or playing scramble; and
– spiritually, by attending a church of your choice.
All activities to be done in moderation and according to a person’s own ability. 
Recognize what works and what dose not work for oneself.  Know the side effects of all prescription drugs being taken.
Find out and understand what is going on with the body. Talk to the doctor and ask questions. 
With all the technology and research that is being done in medicine there is a wealth of information available in books and on the internet.
Hooker thanked Clark for her presentation in achieving a healthy lifestyle and presented her with a gift.
Roll call was “what contributes most to achieving and maintaining good health” was answered by 11 members and one guest.
The business portion of the meeting followed and con­cluded with the singing of O Can­ada.
The next meeting is craft day (with convenor Judy Tru­ax) on Feb. 13 at 10am.
The group is going to make blocks for a crayon quilt. All women are most welcome.
Submitted Shirley Langdon
