Fairgoers can expect a sweet time at the 2016 Palmerston Fair from Aug. 26 to…
Canadian champs
The Palmerston Marlin Novice team traveled to Winnipeg from Aug. 17 to 21 to compete in the U-14…
Celebrating agriculture
With both the Harriston-Minto Fall Fair and the 2016 International Plowing Aand celebrating…
Palmerston fairgoers can expect a sweet time
Fairgoers can expect a sweet time at the 2016 Palmerston Fair from Aug. 24 to…
Harriston Street Party had visitors checking out cars and putting on their dancing shoes
Marker unveiled - The Old Post, formerly the Harriston Post Office, became the first building…
Merry Makers get update on Clifford Homecoming 2017 at recent meeting
The Merry Makers seniors group met recently at Jamesway Manor. Edie Henry read stories paying…
Trail bridge fire considered suspicious
Police and fire officials believe a fire that damaged a bridge on a trail near Palmerston was…
Syrian refugee family coming to Harriston
A group working to bring Syrian refugees to the community has received word a family will be…
Jumpathon rescheduled
A charity jumpathon slated for Aug. 16 at the local swimming pool has been rescheduled to Aug. 22…
Fresh Taste of Quilting
Recently the Carry-On Women's Institute arranged a wreath making workshop under the guidance of…