MAPLETON – Officials from the Drayton Youth Centre are asking township council to add the centre to the list of local organizations allowed to use township facilities at no cost.
Mapleton approves three-year phase-in of planning fee increases
MAPLETON – Planning fees in the township will rise by about 17.3 per cent annually for the next three years, council has decided. While substantial, the increases are dramatically scaled down from those proposed in a recent consultant's report.
Police beat: More than two dozen “intimate partner violence” charges laid in January
‘Intimate partner violence’ charges WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local police laid over two dozen…
Mapleton Family Day Fun Fair is Feb. 19
MAPLETON – A Family Day Fun Fair featuring everything from pickleball to public skating will be held at the PMD arena in Drayton on Feb. 19.
Council takes cautious approach on proposed hike to building, planning fees
MAPLETON – Council here is weighing alternatives to raising building and planning fees by massive amounts suggested in a consultant’s report aimed at attaining “full cost recovery” for the services.
Planned automated speed enforcement trial to include areas in Mapleton
MAPLETON – Five school zones and one community safety zone in Mapleton will be part of a trial automated speed enforcement (ASE) program on Wellington County roads.
Questions raised over zoning proposal for kennel, Airbnb in Mapleton
MAPLETON – A public meeting on rezoning proposal to permit a dog breeding kennel and recognize an existing bed and breakfast use on a rural property in the township drew questions about lost tax revenue and respect for township bylaws from some Mapleton councillors.
Alma students’ experiment will fly to International Space Station this year
ALMA – Grade 6 students Cohen Pearl, Will Kelly, Lily Craven and Myelle Mulder have designed an experiment that will be conducted at the International Space Station later this year.
Over 10,000 students face suspension if immunization records aren’t updated
WELLINGTON COUNTY – More than 10,000 students in Wellington County, Dufferin County and Guelph don’t have up-to-date immunization records and are running the risk of being suspended from school.
Mapleton ponders massive hikes to building, planning fees
MAPLETON – Building permit fees here need to rise by 18 per cent across the board, and planning fees by 84 per cent on average in order to achieve full cost recovery according to consultant’s reports presented at a public meeting.