Community News publisher William H. Adsett celebrated his 80th birthday on April 22. This month…
ADVERTORIAL: Decision Drivers of Canada trains safe and skilled motorists
Sean (Shahnam) Mirzaei, Driving Instructor/Owner of Decision Drivers of Canada in Drayton, began…
Building up year to date
Year-to-date building activity in Mapleton remains ahead of last year's…
Volunteers recognized
At the monthly seniors luncheon on April 9 at the Alma Community Centre, Alma Women's Institute…
“Possible redefined” for local students at Empowerment Day
Twenty two school buses lined the outskirts of the parking lot at the PMD arena on April 15. Inside…
Stories of women in agriculture untold throughout history
"Women in Agriculture" was the theme of the Mapleton Historical Society's display at the 2015…
Institute members learn about grain farmers organization
Henry Van Ankum, past chair of the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), and communications coordinator…
Veteran politician John Green recognized, roasted at tribute evening
One of Wellington County's longest-serving politicians and a man whose name is inextricably linked…
Zeal for Teal to take place April 25
Zeal for Teal organizers have been diligently working over the past year preparing for their…
Character animation team advances to provincial finals in May
Maryborough Public School competed in the Upper Grand District School Board competition for Skills…