A recently-formed coalition of youth advocates from across north Wellington is planning a day-long…
A decade at a time
This week, survivors of the Holocaust returned to Poland to honour the 70th anniversary of the…
Money well spent
Mapleton council recently approved what has become an annual $10,000 contribution in support of the…
The balancing act
Once in a while we see a turn of phrase that really hits the nail on the head. Such was the case at…
Nous sommes Charlie
Events in Paris last week, where journalists were targeted and murdered at their Charlie Hebdo…
Ban goes too far
Giving up smoking is a New Year’s resolution people have been making, faking and breaking…
Our game
A satisfying calm came over us as we woke on Tuesday morning. For a fleeting moment our worries…
Make 2015 count
“I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You don’t know…
We rarely see our Minto reporter get flustered, but this past week Pat was shaking his head a…
The road not travelled
Both Wellington County council and Mapleton council missed an opportunity to give more than lip…
Keep well this Christmas
It’s been a pretty tough year, to be honest. Getting Christmas cards ready for the mail a few…
Still time to give
After getting the layout finished for another week, we strolled up to the front counter and noticed…
Amalgamation redux?
More amalgamation anyone? Outgoing Mapleton Mayor Bruce Whale raised an interesting idea during his…
Lousy lesson
Not surprisingly, members of an Atom Local League team and their parents reacted strongly when…
Veterans shortchanged
The federal government came under considerable scrutiny last week over revelations it has tucked…