Summer of 2014

The number and scope of events available to residents of Wellington County should leave no room for boredom during the summer of 2014.

Much of that is reflected in your county Newspaper each week. From triathlons, to musical events, arts-based festivals, rodeos, fairs, fireworks nights and scads of other options, it makes for a busy summer for those trying to take it all in.

There are more established events too, like the Fergus Truck Show and the Scottish Festival that draw huge crowds. The Elora Festival is concluding another successful season.

The impact of tourism on our county is generally good and we note the tremendous aid volunteers are in these pursuits. Without dedicated people willing to help out in their field of interest, many of these festivals would waste away and close.

Earlier this year, the County of Wellington distributed a Festival and Events Guide. They have also established a helpful website at that will give more current information on what is happening across Wellington in regards to tourism initiatives.

Residents looking for something to do sure don’t have to look too far this summer. Get out, get some exercise, feast your eyes – maybe your appetite  too – and enjoy what 2014 has on tap.

