Once a week I go to my “happy place,” which ironically happens to be a horse stable in…
Tattoo angel
On the issue of tattoos, I am a purist. I think the body in its purest form is sexy. The…
And the rains that came
“Rain, rain, come and stay, we could use a little almost every day.” Those were my…
In stitches
I blame my recent birthday for the terrifying realization that I have moved up an age category in…
They say you once you leave a place, you can never go home again. It’s true. Sometimes…
Loathing lunch
Every morning as I enter the kitchen, two lunch pails sit open mouthed and hungry, glaring at me…
Fair is fair
Is it fair that all fall fairs fall in the fall? That queer quirk of a query struck me as I was…
Hit reply
Recently, I found myself apologizing for something I am not actually sorry for – being busy.…
When it comes to keeping abreast of the latest technology I am, perhaps, more primitive than a…
All you need
Christmas makes me sentimental. I think it has something to do with getting older, wiser (what? It…
The spread of singledom
One of the more amazing (and disappointing) trends nowadays is the spread of singledom. Being alone…
Why not the stock market?
For most investors in North America the stock market remains the favourite choice. Yet, at this…
Hits and misses
Two months into puppy training and I believe this title says it all. One day the four-month-old…
Familiar pattern
The pattern is strangely familiar. Investors at the beginning of the year start to believe that the…
April showers
“April showers bring May flowers.” So it is said and so it is hoped for, but by the…