By the time this article, continued from last week, rolls off the press, the council of East Luther…
Exotic friends
I often think of people I have known and value the things I have learned from them. I also realize…
No. No. Orica, No
What part of no don’t you understand? is a question I’m quite sure was originally…
Youth crime
While the economy no doubt will continue to take centre stage in the public’s mind, the…
Uncivil war
I spent time going through websites sponsored by people who oppose President Obama’s attempts…
The bare facts
“Three naked men jumped from the airplane,” my son said just as if it happened every…
Biography of a big brother
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “There is properly no history, only biography.” That means…
Look back to see ahead
I often sit in my big green chair and watch children leaving the J.D. Hogarth Public School. The…
My special heroes
In last week’s column you saw me seated in my big green chair dreaming about past…
From the Owen Sound Sun Times, through the magic of e-mail, posted on the Internet by Rob Gowan,…
Reinventing government is necessary
At long last a “revolution” is stirring in Canada that should entail better government.…
Spring cleaning
This sucks. My vacuum cleaner, I mean. It is a dust-eating, dirt-swallowing, fur-slurping hurricane…
Horse Feathers
Remember that expression? Horse feathers, an old euphemism for horse … well, let me just say,…
Prominent Fergus citizens fought in 1883 bar room brawl
Hotel bar rooms in the 19th century normally were quiet and orderly places. Governments…
Consumer loyalty has become a sometime thing today
Consumer loyalty is at best “a sometime thing.” There is all kinds of evidence to…