With genuine concerns from COVID-19 to climate change dominating the daily discourse in this part of the world, you wouldn’t think Canadians would have to import their outrage from south of the border, or across the Atlantic. And yet, here we are. Confused? Bear with me.
Community News
Lions Club hosts chicken dinner
Dinner drive-through – The Mount Forest Lions Club drive-through chicken dinner on March 23, was…
Horticultural Society features winter photos
MINTO - In February, the Harriston and District Horticultural Society issued a photo challenge to members to submit photographs of local scenes along the theme of “Winter.”
Harriston Foodland makes donation to local food banks
Helping food banks – Harriston Foodland recently contributed $2,200 worth of gift cards to…
Young child dies in tragic accident on Wellington North farm
WELLINGTON NORTH – A young child has died in an tragic accident on a farm here. Wellington County OPP officials have confirmed a "non-suspicious death" on the property, located on Highway 6 between Arthur and Kenilworth.
Mapleton water systems need $1.8 million worth of immediate repairs
MAPLETON – A provincially-mandated report shows water from Mapleton’s systems in Drayton and Moorefield is safe to drink, but another report shows the systems require about $1.8 million worth of immediate maintenance and repair work.
Township to purchase mailing machine with municipal modernization funding
KENILWORTH – Wellington North will use about $12,000 from the province’s Municipal Modernization Program to purchase a mail folding/stuffing machine and for work on redesign of the township’s municipal office here.
Crowd gathered to watch silo demolition in Drayton [VIDEO]
DRAYTON – Some likely wanted to get outside after a long winter without much to do, others were enthralled by the prospect of an explosion and some people just wanted to witness a significant change to the local rural landscape.
Wellington North to focus on public education to help deal with coyote concerns
WELLINGTON NORTH – Council here will focus on public education for now to help residents deal with concerns about coyotes near livestock and populated areas.
Moorefield native to enter Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame
GUELPH – A Moorefield native is being enshrined into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame (OAHF).
Site plan control approval facilitates residential development
PALMERSTON – Minto town council’s approval of a site plan control agreement for a residential development at Victoria and Henry Streets here paved the way for a 26-unit townhouse development to proceed.
Derrick Thomson recognized by OMAA
MINTO – Town CAO Derrick Thomson was recently recognized with an award from the Ontario Municipal Administrators Association (OMAA).
Optimist Club of Moorefield make donation to Drayton Food Bank
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Optimist Club of Moorefield have not been able to hold…
Mount Forest resident celebrates 100th birthday with family members
MOUNT FOREST – Longtime Mount Forest resident Irene Grafe celebrates her 100th birthday on…
Minto residents recognized by province for volunteering
MINTO - Members of the Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society were recently recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport.