Boxing Day is not meant for shopping; it’s meant for napping. The world would be a better…
Optical illusions
Perhaps I’m losing it, who is to say? But lately I’ve been seeing things that appear at…
Ghoulish discovery of bodies in 1949 Mount Forest house fire
At about 10am on the morning of Friday, January 7, 1949 the Mount Forest volunteer fire brigade…
Reputation at risk
Nowadays much of businesses’ success depends on their reputation. Their critics are assuming…
Letting go
As 2014 wraps up, I realize that the best way to put it behind me is to reflect on it, learn from…
Home for birds
By the time you unfold the pages of this issue, another year will have pounced upon us and the past…
Coroner’s inquest investigated deaths in 1949 Mount Forest fire
Last week’s column described the fires in the house of George White of Mount Forest on Jan.…
Helping families
The Government of Canada has balanced the federal budget and is now entering a period of surplus.…
Underlying trends
If deflationary trends persist, they can trigger severe economic repercussions. Once it is widely…
Turned on
Christmas already feels far away. I would be remiss if I didn’t reassure you that I got my…
Frankly, my dear
The last four days of December were pleasant days for me. Each day was greeted by an early morning…
J.B. Perry of Fergus penned most successful local book of 1920s
The 1920s and early 1930s was a period of great activity among writers in Wellington County. Those…
‘Just another day at the office’
There’s no question that a billion dollars is a lot of money. But it’s such a big…
Moral hazards
Even though we are slowly recovering from the “Great Recession,” it is appropriate that…
Stop the press
Not often does stop-the-press news cross my desk, but when it comes but once in a hundred years, I…