ERIN – A Guelph woman faces several charges after local police received an automated licence plate recognition system alert.
Fastball funding
PALMERSTON – The Palmerston Imperials Fastball Team was recently the recipient of funding from The Blessings to You Centre.
Guelph man succumbs to injuries from Aug. 20 crash
PUSLINCH – A Guelph man has died from injuries sustained in a serious two-vehicle crash here last week.
First day of school a PD day in Wellington County
GUELPH – Most students in Wellington County will be going back to school a day late this September. Both the Upper Grand District School Board and the Wellington Catholic District School Board have chosen to make Wednesday, Sept. 4 the first day of school for elementary and secondary students.
Mapleton council awards $250 athletic bursary
MAPLETON – Mapleton council presented a $250 athletic bursary to Joel Rumph on Aug. 13, in recognition of his success in high jump at the Athletics Canada Indoor National Championships.
Child struck, vehicle flees
GUELPH – Guelph Police are looking for witnesses and trying to identify a driver after a small child was struck by a vehicle that fled the scene.
Strathcona Long-Term Care home’s annual car show a sunny success
MOUNT FOREST – Strathcona Long-Term Care Home’s annual car show occurred on Aug. 24.
Alma car show stops traffic at community centre
ALMA – More than 100 classic vehicles were on display at the Alma Community Centre on Aug. 24.
All’s fair at the Palmerston Community Centre
PALMERSTON – Palmerston’s annual fair took place at the community centre from Aug. 23 to 25.
Police beat: drug bust
EAST GARAFRAXA – Two individuals are facing charges following a drug bust here last week.
Grey Highlands man charged in Minto sexual assault
MINTO – Wellington County OPP officials say police opened an investigation into a reported sexual assault "at an address" in Minto on Aug. 23.
Blue-green algae bloom observed at Belwood Lake
WELLINGTON COUNTY - The presence of a small blue-green algae bloom has been observed near the boat launch at Belwood Lake reservoir.
Speed humps coming to Conservation Road, Rockwood’s MacLennan Street in September
BRUCEDALE – By the end of September, drivers on two Guelph/Eramosa roads can expect to encounter speed humps.
Police beat: Four-hundred feet of wiring stolen from Erin barns
ERIN – Police are looking for help to identify person(s) who stole electrical wiring from barns.
All smiles at Snetto Farms for Sunflower Festival
MAPLETON – The 5th annual Mapleton Sunflower Festival took place on Aug. 17.