God save the king

For the first time in seven decades, citizens of the realm will celebrate the coronation of a new monarch. On May 6, His Majesty King Charles III will celebrate his coronation along with Her Majesty Queen Camilla.

Rubber chicken circuit

Life is busy, so much so that the time left after kids’ sports and after-hours responsibilities leaves little time to attend social events. It is a big deal to go out.

Shop class

The announcement that Grade 9 and 10 students in Ontario will require one mandatory shop class is good news indeed.

Choose peace

During a particularly raucous weekend I recall a frantic call from editorial staff. It happens in this line of work.

Quite the cartoon

Before this day and age, where every show imaginable is on demand, cartoons and kid shows were a Saturday morning routine for many. Oddly, shows from our youth still get airtime.