News of the potential secession of the Town of Erin from Wellington County was something we greeted with immediate disbelief.
News that our county library system will be adopting a no-fine culture for overdue material isn’t earth-shattering news. It does however offer a glimpse into emerging attitudes on public resources.
Good riddance to the captain
It has been a while since he called.
Too much pride
Whenever sad tales emerge, those closest to the scene might suggest pride was a factor. And no, we aren’t talking about conceit or arrogance – it is that other pride, where people may just be too proud to ask for help.
Some camel
In the end it was disappointing to all involved. A committee of really awesome people, talented and…
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is a well-known refrain that signaled the end of the First World War.
In the news
Fifteen dollars Surely a raise is good news, but for leaders of the opposition parties in Ontario…
Snap of the fingers
If only life were that easy – a quick snap and problem solved. Unfortunately, life in the real world doesn’t work that way. Never has, never will.
Move along
That’s right, move along, nothing to see here. It has become a common refrain, if not an…
Bye bye
It’s like old times at the office this Thanksgiving weekend, almost. An old clock ticks away and it feels like the wee hours of a deadline morning over 40 years ago.
It’s in your hands
For anyone watching the news, scrolling through social media feeds or reading a newspaper, chances are the phrase Truth and Reconciliation will sound familiar.
Three thousand units
It looks much like it did five weeks ago when Trudeau called a snap election.
Meet the candidate
It’s not easy getting to know the candidate. Take for example Maxime Bernier of the People’s…
Housing conundrum
As a matter of public service we dedicate editorial space to all candidates allowing them to use…
Lap it up
Canadians are heading into another long weekend and we hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy balmy…